THE GREEN PLANET BLOG - Our World and Environment...

All about conservation, ecology, the environment, climate change, global warming, earth- watch, and new technologies etc.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wyoming, US, company to make ethanol from pine waste instead of food crops...

A Wyoming,US,company called K L Process Design Group has reportedly branched out from making corn ethanol and has built a small factory to make the fuel from pine waste instead.

This is actually great news , because there have been many reports of companies making ethanol from food crops in the Amazon in South America and in other parts of the globe.

My country, New Zealand, has also investigated and experimented with the manufacture of ethanol from pine waste as well. Sadly a change in government from the left of centre Labour -led Government to a rightwing National Government may see this emerging industry given less importance or decline.

However, the Wyoming decision is a great decision and influence on others.


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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another use for a banned substance that could curb pollution...

Another use for a banned substance that could curb pollution...

How would you dear reader like a building material that is reportedly stronger than cement and at least SIX TIMES lighter?

Even better still its main ingredient is the waste product of a banned plant that literally grows like a weed.

Big Brother Government says you can't use it because this plant - hemp - is a danger to society and is also an illegal substance.


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Greenpeace tries the softer approach to its anti-whaling campaign.....

Greenpeacehas has decided a new approach is needed to its anti- Whaling campaign in future.

Environmentalists battling it out in icy seas, risking life and limb to save the whales from Japanese harpoons makes good publicity and great headlines in the Western media, and has even spawned a a TV series, "Whale Wars". Great stuff!

But the overall efforts of Greenpeace and other environmental groups has reportedly done little to slow down the annual Whale kill which is now above a 1,000 per year.

So the wiley Greenpeace has decided on a softer approach to its campaign...


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posted by Unknown @ 7:04 PM 0 Comments