THE GREEN PLANET BLOG - Our World and Environment...

All about conservation, ecology, the environment, climate change, global warming, earth- watch, and new technologies etc.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An end to Global warming, GM and pesticides - radio energised water technology...

A GROUNDBREAKING new Irish technology which could be the greatest breakthrough in agriculture since the plough is set to change the face of modern farming forever... The technology – radio wave energised water – massively increases the output of vegetables and fruits by up to 30 per cent. Not only are the plants much bigger but they are largely disease-resistant, meaning huge savings in expensive fertilisers and harmful pesticides. Extensively tested in Ireland and several other countries, the inexpensive water treatment technology is now being rolled out across the world.

The technology makes GM obsolete and also addresses the whole global warming fear that there is too much carbon dioxide in the air, by simply converting excess CO2 into edible plant mass. Developed by Professor Austin Darragh and Dr JJ Leahy of Limerick University's Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, the hardy eco-friendly technology uses nothing but the natural elements of sunlight, water, carbon dioxide in the air and the minerals in the soil. The compact biscuit-tin-sized technology, which is called Vi-Aqua – meaning 'life water' – converts 24 volts of electricity into a radio signal, which charges up the water via an antennae. Once the device is attached to a hose, thousands of gallons of water can be charged up in less than 10 minutes at a cost of pennies.

Read more below....

 Acknowledgements: Sunday Independent


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Sunday, August 25, 2013

US sinkhole swallows huge trees in seconds - the power of nature..

 Louisiana's Assumption Parish officials released some amazing video on Wednesday, showing a sinkhole swallowing several tall trees in a matter of seconds. The video is described as a "slough in" that happened around 7:15 p.m.. The collapse comes a little more than a year after an area around Bayou Corne, Louisiana, dissolved into liquefied muck. The sinkhole was first discovered Aug. 3, 2012, and has now grown to encompass 24 acres, according to The Times-Picayune on Thursday, Aug. 22.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Jungle Rain: The NZ Story of Agent Orange and the Vietnam War...

Vietnamese babies, deformed and stillborn afte...
Vietnamese babies, deformed and stillborn after prenatal dioxin exposure from Agent Orange (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: U.S. Huey helicopter spraying Agent O...
English: U.S. Huey helicopter spraying Agent Orange over Vietnam (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: U.S. Army armored personnel carrier (...
English: U.S. Army armored personnel carrier (APC) spraying Agent Orange during the Vietnam War (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You must watch this video. It is an eye-opener. The effects of Agent Orange are inter-generational - up to three generations involved in many cases. This is the NZ story, but the effects of Agent Orange have effected Australians, Americans and of course Vietnamese too. I lost a brother and brother in law who served in Vietnam with the NZ Army, the latter was a rifleman who fought in the jungle there.
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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Caterpillar uses the sun to navigate...

An unusual caterpillar uses the sun to navigate as it jumps to safety, according to scientists.
The larva of Calindoea trifascialis, a species of moth native to Vietnam, wraps itself in a leaf before dropping to the forest floor.
It then spends three days searching for a suitable place to pupate, despite not being able to see out of its shelter.
Experts found the insect used a piston-like motion to jump away from strong sunlight.
"We believe the object of the jumping is to find shade - to avoid overheating and desiccation," explained Mr Kim Humphreys from the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada who conducted the research alongside Dr Christopher Darling.
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dolphins receiving some human respect....

- Tursiops truncatus A dolphin surfs the wake ...
- Tursiops truncatus A dolphin surfs the wake of a research boat on the - near the . Français : Un Grand dauphin (Tursiops truncatus) surfe dans le sillage d'un bateau de recherche sur la Banana river, près du Centre spatial Kennedy. Magyar: Palackorrú delfin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A dusky dolphin named "Nox".
A dusky dolphin named "Nox". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(NaturalNews) Dolphins have been granted "non-human personhood" status by the government of India, making India the first nation in the world to recognize the unique intelligence and self-awarenessof the cetacean mammals).

The decision was announced by India's Minister of the Environment and Forests which also outlawed captive dolphin shows. The ministry added that dolphins "should have their own specific rights." (SOURCE)

Dolphins are extremely intelligent mammals with a highly-developed social structure. Recent research shows that dolphins call each other by name and canremember the unique name whistles from old "friends" heard just one time 20 years ago.

Dolphins choose their own unique name -- a series of complex whistles -- before they reach one year of age. From that point forward, all the other dolphins in their social group call them by that unique name.

Read more about these wonderful creatures:

Learn more:
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Monday, August 5, 2013

The New Zealand Bee Team...

bee eating
bee eating (Photo credit: acidpix)
For our future's sake, make bees welcome...
We've taken their busy-bee activities for granted and enjoyed the fruit of their labour so now it's time to give something back. Bee populations are in serious decline around the world, and New Zealand is no exception.
Of 100 crops that supply 90 per cent of the world's food, bees pollinate more than 70 per cent.
A recent conference at Eastwoodhill Arboretum in Gisborne revealed the importance of bees to our economy - worth $5 billion annually because of their pollination efforts in pastoral, horticultural and seed-production industries.
In New Zealand, the key factors of a decline in bee numbers include the varroa mite and associated viruses, new systemic pesticides and the loss of good pollen and nectar sources. Mass plantings of monocultural crops in farming and forestry have limited the diversity of forage plant species for honey bees and other pollinators.

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