THE GREEN PLANET BLOG - Our World and Environment...

All about conservation, ecology, the environment, climate change, global warming, earth- watch, and new technologies etc.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Solar power steam generation - one of the new green energy projects...

This week the Green Planet looks at a new solar powered steam generation plant in Spain - one of the new green energy projects.

Just west of Seville in Spain, a sea of giant mirrors reportedly reflects the sun's energy to provide so-called "concentrated solar power" (CSP) while illuminating the path to a new wave of green energy projects.

The 624 carefully positioned mirrors reflect the sun's heat towards a 50 metre tall central tower known as PS10 (re picture) where it is concentrated and used to boil water into steam; in itself an old technology now.

The superheated steam is then used to turn a turbine that can produce up to 11 megawatts of electricity - enough power it is claimed for 6,000 homes - according to Solucar, the Spanish company who built the power plant.

Concentrated solar power

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lighting takes centre stage at "greener" world at Lightfair International...

Lighting takes centre stage - Phillips and a "greener" world at Lightfair International.

First published at Qassia:

For one of the first times since its invention, lighting is taking center stage. One of the keys to developing a more energy efficient, “greener” world, lighting technology has become highly-efficient. Where as other forward-looking measures to save energy, such as biofuels and wind farms, are still developing, effective lighting technology is available now. Yet, 85% of existing buildings are still being lit by dated, inefficient systems.

This is just one of the focuses of Lightfair International 2009, the world’s largest lighting trade show and conference. This event, which kicked off on May 5th in New York City, is focusing not only on the need for more efficient lighting and lighting innovation, but also how the latest U.S. government stimulus package will effect this green initiative and the lighting industry as a whole.

At the center of this discussion is Philips, the world's largest lighting company and the company leading the way in solid state and other energy efficient lighting, as well as assisting governments around the world in the establishment of minimum lighting standards.

For more on Philips at Lightfair International 2009 please visit Lightfair International

You can also find additional information and downloadable content at

Produced for Philips Lighting.

The Green Planet appreciates and acknowledges the above information prepared for Phillips Lighting. Green Planet will post again on this subject with some archived material.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Manuka factor - honey from the NZ manuka tree...

The Manuka factor - honey from the NZ manuka tree...

First published at Qassia:

Honey made by bees from the nectar of New Zealand's manuka tree, leptospermum scoparium, contains an antibacterial property not found in other honeys.
Honey from the Australian tree leptospermum polygalifollum, or jelly bush, also has this property.

The property has become known as Unique Manuka Factor, UMF, and the honey as active manuka honey.

One of the compounds identified in this particular honey is metylglyxol, although it appears that the antibacterial property relies on the interaction of this compound with other elements in the honey.

The quantity of UMF in manuka honey varies.

Research by Waikato University in New Zealand's North Island, suggests its antibacterial activity is about twice as effective as other honey against Eschericihia co;i and Enteroocci, common causes of infections in wounds. It ismuch more effective than other honey against Helicobacter pylori, a common cause of peptic ulcers.

The University says the evidence that Active Manuka honey is more effective than other honey is not conclusive however. Not quite a miracle, but pretty close to it!

The intense flavour of dark manuka honey was once so disliked it was added to cow feed or simply washed away.

Today it earns such a premium on the export market that fake manuka honey has been a serious problem - industry sources say twice as much manuka honey is sold than produced in New Zealand.

Manuka Tree

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